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Espèces menacées d'extinction - Vocabulaire
Espèces menacées d’extinction
(Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive)
Polar Bear in the Arctic
In 2008, the
Synonym of threatened: thwarted (contrarié, contrecarré)
Sea ice melts in the Arctic from global warming. Polar bears that depend on ice flows are prevented from roaming (errer), hunting prey, and building dens (tanière).
Synonym of roaming: wandering
The Sumatra’s Rhino
It is the most endangered species in the world and the situation has worsened (empire).
Synonyms of worsens: gets worse, aggravates
The rhino is still killed by poachers (braconniers, illégaux) for its horn which is coveted (convoitée) by
Whale spotted in Cod Bay
This remnant population continues to suffer from climate change that has an impact on krill (a type of tiny shrimp), whales’ favourite food. In addition, they often become entangled (enchevêtrées, emmêlées), or ensnared (prises au piège) in fishing gear and mortally wounded.
Hanksbill turtle in Asia, Africa, South and North-America
Despite their current protection, they are much coveted in
In addition, like the whales, they die ensnared in fishing nets. Most of the time fishermen get rid of (se débarrasser de) the dying turtles over board.
Synonym of get rid of: throw out
Gorilla in
It is true that they are powerful creatures. They are also gentle and affectionate. Mountain gorillas are easygoing (facile à vivre) vegetarians who lead a peaceful life. Scientists estimate that there are about 600 individuals in east-central
Cheetahs (guépards) are facing a high risk of extinction.
It is the world’s fastest land animal. It can run 110 kilometres per hour but is well known as a clumsy fighter compared to other predators. Nowadays, the cheetah population has halved (réduite de moitié) in ten years. Loss of habitat, lack of vast territories and loss of genetic variations are the main threats facing the cheetahs.
Synonym of halved: reduced by half
Baby seal
They are less than three months old when hunters slaughter them. It is the most cruel and horrible slaughter (massacre) in the world, on the threshold of unbearable (à la limite de l’insoutenable). Sealers smash baby seals’ skulls with a heavy bludgeon (gourdin) before skinning (dépouiller, écorcher) them, leaving their bloody corpses (cadavres) on the sea ice.
Sources diverses: Wikipedia et personnelles
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