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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°111571 : Synonymes et confusion

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Synonymes et confusion


There are a few words in English that we may tend to misuse when translating from French into English.


Here  are some nouns:

Cimetière    : cemetery (  separated    from the  church), churchyard  ( when it's around  the church)

Poitrine:  chest (  a man's),  breast /s ( a woman's) ,  breast ( a  chicken's)

Pêcheur : angler ( in  a river),   fisherman ( at  sea )

Porc:   pig (animal ),   pork ( meat) 

Mouton:  sheep (animal ),  mutton ( meat) ,

Bœuf :ox  ( animal ),   beef  ( meat)

Professeur:   professor ( only  at  University),   teacher (all   other   kinds    of    school)

Herbe:  grass ( in a   garden )  ,   herb(s)  ( medicinal   or for  cooking   purposes)

Librairie:  bookshop ( where books  are sold),      

Bibliothèque : library ( where  books  can  be read  or  lent)

Voyage:  journey ( by land) , voyage ( only by boat)

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1. English roast- is quite different from the one we eat on the Continent: it's served with gravy and well cooked.

2. It is a very long but very exciting train to reach Siberia from Istanbul.

3. From the train window we saw an fishing in the Avon river.

4. At The Cock and Bull's they serve an excellent of chicken cooked with cream and mushrooms.

5. Yummy! I'm really crazy about chops with French fries.

6. The Père Lachaise in Paris gives rest to lots of famous artists and actors.

7. There is an important in Paris, very near the Seine, called Shakespeare and Company.

8. Paulette's daughter is a of English at a secondary school in Liverpool.

9. The wool of Scottish is famous for its excellent quality.

10. The Medical School of Salerno was famous in ancient times for its prescriptions of aromatic that cured all sorts of diseases. It is now part of the University of Salerno.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Synonymes et confusion"
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