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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°114374 : Adjectifs et pronoms possessifs

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Adjectifs | Possession | Pronoms [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Adjectifs en anglais-cours pour débutants - Génitif : cours / leçons d'anglais pour débutants - Comparatif de supériorité - Génitif-Tout sur le génitif (grand cours) - Adjectifs et pronoms possessifs - Adjectifs et prépositions - Ordre des adjectifs - Famille-Thierry en Angleterre 5
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Adjectifs et pronoms possessifs

Personal pronouns


I: I love to think about it.Me: Tell me you're sorry!
You: You like to talk to him.You: Let me tell you how it works.
He: He can cook eggs.Him: Juan let him try it.
She: She is very responsible.Her: Don't give her too much attention.
It: It fell on the floor.It: Can you see it?
We: We never read it.Us: Can you tell us about her?
You(Pl): You can do it, guys!You(Pl): I expect all of you to pass.
They: They want attention.Them: Don't let them get away!

Possessive adjectives

My: My little sister imitates everything I do.
Your: Is your mother strict?
His: Kris asked his father for a scooter. 
Her: Her best friend has the same birthday. 
Its: My new school is great. Its teachers are really nice. 
Our: Our classroom is on the second floor. 
Your(Pl): Welcome to your new school.
Their: The twins arrived late to their class. 

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1. just turned thirteen. I can't say that I feel different from being 12 years old.

2. Sure, I was excited and glad about party and everything. Proud of myself !

3. I find that my birthday is more and more exciting for every year.

4. parents asked me how I wanted to celebrate this year.

5. I told I wanted to invite all my new friends from high school.

6. My parents accepted and also invited some of friends to my party.

7. I guess it's special for too, because they kept on kissing me during the party.

8. Every month they say '' little boy is growing up.''.

9. My mom ordered an ice-cream cake, big enough for all of .

10. came in two parts: one half was vanilla and the other half was vanilla with chocolate chunks.

11. It was great to have all new friends from my first year of high school there.

12. After the party, kept on thanking my mom for the cake.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Adjectifs et pronoms possessifs"
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