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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°125831 : Adjectifs : Ochi et Pawel 2/2

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Adjectifs : Ochi et Pawel 2/2

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1.  From there, the two accomplices were planning to go to the land of joyful life, somewhere on this beautiful planet, to help inhabitants.

2.  Their diplomas in their bags and in English would not be a problem for them to be welcomed.

3.  For the time being,the borders were still . 'It's a good time,' Ochi thought, 'Let's go!'

4.   A thank-you note was laid on her parents' bedside table,as they had offered her the opportunity to continue with the studies she had chosen.

5.  Then, with a heavy heart, she slipped away with her car, in this sunny day. The boot was already with the strictly necessary belongings:

6.  a suitcase with fingerprint, a backpack for her computer, her diplomas and her identity card.

7.  Ochi didn't like bidding her farewells, that is why she organised her running away! Her parents had been informed of her plan for years.

8.  It was a way before she arrived in Poland: so think, all of Europe to go across!

9.  Ochi was with open arms at Paul's place.

10.  The day after, at dawn, it was a day. They both positively entered into the life they had chosen, and drove across and beyond Europe..., until reaching their aim!

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Adjectifs : Ochi et Pawel 2/2"
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