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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°126064 : Verbes et adjectifs

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Verbes et adjectifs

The main goal of this lesson is to understand the difference between the verbs and adjectives ending in -ing and -ed.


Verbs :

The -ing clauses are used to talk about somebody  doing something during a particular or long time. 

Examples :

  • My boss is working in Paris. 
  • Unfortunately, the electric wire connecting the two parts is broken. 
The -ed clauses have a passive meaning related to a noun. 

Examples : 
  • In most cases, the toys manufactured in this factory are sold. (The toys are manufactured in this factory).
  • All people invited to my party have come. (People are invited to my party). 
Adjectives :
The adjectives ending in -ing describe something.  

Example :
  • The movie was surprising.
The adjectives ending in -ed are related to someone

Example :
  • She is very surprised by the movie.

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1. The benches (damage) during the demonstration have not been repaired.

2. The people (live) in this city are very old.

3. I have a brother (work) in the university of Cambridge.

4. We have distributed the papers (contain) the information related to the next campaign.

5. I saw the man (injure) during the accident in the street yesterday.

6. The books (burn) were historical.

7. Nobody knows the man (talk) to Bruno.

8. I try to give some money to the people (live) in the street.

9. According to the police, the woman (arrest) was drunk.

10. Do you know the man (wait) in this shop?

11. Today, the weather is not (motivate) for sailing.

12. Many people are (disappoint) by the politics.

13. My life is so (bore).

14. This situation is (embarrass) because we can't speak.

15. Peter's explanations are (confuse), I can't understand them.

16. Everybody was (terrify) by this piece of news.

17. The table is (disgust). You should clean it.

18. It was so (exhaust) to make this task. I am awfully tired.

19. In my opinion, this story is very (annoy).

20. Are you (interest) in tennis ?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Verbes et adjectifs"
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