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Départ en vacances
Dans un premier temps : Lisez le texte.
It is half past six in the morning. An alarm clock is ringing in Tom's room. Tom is still half-asleep. His mother, Kate, is saying to him: "Come on, Tom, wake up! You know that we are going away for our holidays this morning. Hurry up!
Tom is having a quick breakfast in the kitchen. There is luggage everywhere, even on the chairs. He cannot sit down anywhere.
Kate has just driven the car out of the garage. She is already wearing a large sun-hat. She cannot put it in a box, so she has put it on her head.
Tom is carrying two heavy suitcases. The dog is behind him.
Kate is putting the suitcases into the back of the car.
They are driving away. The dog is looking out of the car. They are waving their hands. "Goodbye, we'll see you again after the holidays"
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