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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°129949 : All of which, whom, none of which, etc

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> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - Pronoms relatifs - Propositions relatives - Exprimer une quantité indéfinie : too/too much/too many - Noms dénombrables et indénombrables : cours pour débutants - Bilan de connaissances 1 - Quantifieurs : Some / Any / no - Indiquer une quantité
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...

All of which, whom, none of which, etc

In the following test, you have to make relative sentences with "all of which (for things)/whom (for persons)" ,



"none of which", "both of which", "5 of which", "half of which", "the name of which", "the length of which" etc.


Study these examples:

The box contains 10 eggs. 5 eggs are coloured. -> The box contains 10 eggs, half of which are coloured.

I have 2 dogs. They like me. -> I have 2 dogs, both of which like me.

Mr Undertaker has 30 students in his class. 30 students are afraid of him. -> Mr Undertaker has 30 students in his class, all of whom are afraid of him. 

Mr Bolt is an athlet. His maximum speed is 40 km/h. -> Mr Bolt is an athlet, the maximum speed of whom is 40 km/h.



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Exercice d'anglais "All of which, whom, none of which, etc" créé par flori10 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de flori10]
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1. Megan ate 5 cakes. They didn't make her happy. -> Megan ate 5 cakes, .

2. Debbie had two husbands. They left her. -> Debby had two husbands, .

3. Mr Chips has 30 students in his class. They are very eager to learn. -> Mr Chips has 30 students in his class, .

4. John has a dog. Its name is Beppo. -> John has a dog, .

5. There are a lot of cakes. Most of them are very bad for your health. -> There are a lot of cakes, .

6. 10 persons applied for the job. 10 persons were not suitable. -> 10 persons applied for the job, .

7. In the exam, there were 20 questions. I answered 2 questions correctly. -> In the exam, there were 20 questions, .

8. John was bitten by a shark. Its length was 5 meters. -> John was bitten by a shark, .

9. In my shelf, there are 30 books. I have read 15 of them. -> In my shelf, there are 30 books, .

10. The team played 10 matches. They won 3 matches. -> The team played 10 matches, .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "All of which, whom, none of which, etc"
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