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Animals are an awesome topic to learn about. There are many reasons to talk about them. Animals can be our pets, our food, our clothing and more.
There are so many different kinds of animals, and they live in different environments. Depending on where they live, they have different body parts and organs that help them survive.
For example, birds have wings, fish have scales and sheeps have wool. This is a common topic and it's important to know some of the most popular animals.
Here are a few that don't have foot :
Fish | Poisson |
Snake | Serpent |
Whale | Baleine |
Worm | Ver de terre |
Shark | Requin |
Dolphin | Dauphin |
Eel | Anguille |
Snail | Escargot |
Here are a few that have two feet :
Duck | Canard |
Duckling | Caneton |
Penguin | Pingouin |
Ostrich | Autruche |
Turkey | Dindon |
Swan | Cygne |
Hummingbird | Colibri |
Hen | Poule |
Rooster | Coq |
Chick | Poussin |
Crow | Corbeau |
Guinea fowl | Pintade |
Bat | Chauve-souris |
Folcon | Faucon |
Pigeon | Pigeon |
Parrot | Perroquet |
Birds of prey | Oiseau de proie |
Here are a few that have four feet:
Dog Puppy | Chien Chiot |
Lion | Lion |
Horse | Cheval |
Crocodile | Crocodile |
Leopard | Léopard |
Goat Billy goat Ewe Kid | Chèvre Bouc Brebis Chevreau |
Owl | Hibou/Chouette |
Hare | Lièvre |
Fox | Renard |
Turtle | Tortue |
Cheetah | Guépard |
Rabbit | Lapin |
Squirrel | Écureuil |
Wolf | Loup |
Tiger | Tigre |
Camel | Chameau |
Cow Bull | Vache Taureau |
Dromedary | Dromadaire |
Here are a few that have six feet:
Bee | Abeille |
Ant | Fourmi |
Butterfly | Papillon |
Ladybird/Ladybug | Coccinelle |
Grasshopper | Sauterelle |
Fly | Mouche |
Wasp | Guêpe |
Dragonfly | Libellule |
Mosquito | Moustique |
Caterpillar Bug | Chenille Insecte |
Greenfly | Puceron |
Cicada | Cigale |
Cockroach | Cafard |
Weevil | Charançon |
Hornet | Frelon |
Gnat | Moucheron |
Aphid | Puceron |
Termite | Termite |
Beetle | Scarabée |
Bedbug | Punaise |
More than six feet
Spider | Araignée |
Mites | Acariens |
Centipede | Mille-pattes |
Lobster Shrimp Crayfish | Homard Crevette Ecrevisse |
Woodlice | Cloporte |
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