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Expressions idiomatiques : hommes et femmes - cours d'anglais
Sur nos écrans de télévision, dans nos journaux et magazines, et surtout en ce moment d'élections aux États-Unis, nous ne voyons que l'opposition d'un homme et d'une femme...
Partout, dans l'entreprise, en politique, dans les ministères, on parle de "parité", tentative souvent hypocrite pour établir l'égalité homme-femme.
Les clichés traditionnels, ou en évolution très lente, continuent à se répandre...
Les expressions idiomatiques sont un exemple flagrant de ces clichés qui se perpétuent... et dans ces expressions, l'opposition homme-femme est constante.
◼️ To act like a man: se conduire comme un homme
(to behave in a brave, responsible and mature way, as expected of men)
◼️ To buy a pig in a poke: acheter les yeux fermés(purchasing something without inspecting it first, marrying quickly)
◼️ The battle of the sexes: la guerre des sexes(conflict, competitiveness that may exist between males and females.)
◼️ The blind leading the blind: les aveugles guident les autres aveugles(unknowledgeable people leading ill-informed people)
◼️ An old wife's tale: un conte de bonne femme(a belief or superstition that has no factual basis)
◼️ A cradle robber: il les prend au berceau...
(A man who gets involved with very young women)
◼️ A damsel in distress: une damoiselle en plein désarroi.(a young woman perceived as helpless in fairy tales)
◼️Dressed to kill: Les vêtements qui tuent...(being dressed attractively to attract potential romantic partners of the opposite sex)
◼️Every man for himself: Chacun pour soi !(individuals should pursue their own interests)
◼️ Fair play to her: Bravo à elle !(an impressive accomplishment by a woman)
To rob the cradle/ to rob the grave Dressed to 'kill'!
◼️He wears the pants in that relationship: C'est lui qui porte la culotte !
(the man has the commanding role in that relationship).
◼️The honeymoon is over! La lune de miel est terminée !(the initial period of joy and romance passing in a marriage or relationship)
◼️Husband-to-be or wife-to-be: Futur époux/ future épouse.(one's future spouse in the period before marriage).
◼️ a Ladies' man: Un homme à femmes !(a man who pursues romantic relationships with many different women)
◼️ Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!Rien n'est pire que la colère d'une femme délaissée.
(a woman rejected or treated unfairly by a man is destructive and angry.)
◼️A male chauvinist pig: Un porc machiste !
(a man who believes men are superior to women and treats women in a disrespectful way.)
◼️Man up! Conduis-toi comme un homme !(phrase to summon courage and face difficulties in a masculine way)
◼️The maternal instinct: 'L'instinct maternel'.(biological urge some women feel to become mothers.)
◼️ Men are from Mars, women are from Venus:Les hommes sont de Mars, les femmes de Vénus!
(genders act so distinctly that they seem to come from different planets).
◼️ Mr. Right: C'est le bon !(a woman's ideal romantic partner and potential husband)
◼️ Shrewish woman (derogatory term): Une vraie mégère !
an assertive, ill-tempered, scolding woman, not acting as a woman "should."
◼️ Wolf whistle: Siffler une femme.This refers to a loud whistle used by men to indicate they find a passing woman attractive,
◼️ A confirmed bachelor : Un vieux garçon.a man who shows little or no interest in women.
◼️ 'Every man and his dog' : Tout le monde !'Every man and his dog': a lot of people
◼️ Failure is the mother of success: L'échec mène au succès.Failure is often a stepping stone towards success.
◼️ To get hitched : Etre casé !
If you get hitched, you get married
◼️ Tied to your mother's apron strings: Dans les jupons de sa mère...A boy who is so used to his mother's care that he cannot do anything on his own.
◼️ A man of his word : un homme de parolea person who does what he says and keeps his promises.
◼️ A man of God : Un homme de Dieu.A man of God is a clergyman.
◼️ A 'man Friday' (from Robinson Crusoe) : un serviteurAn assistant, or companion. The feminine equivalent is "Girl Friday')
◼️ A mummy's boy : Le petit garçon de sa maman.A man who is still very dependent on his mother.
Il y a tellement d'opinions et de jugements différents sur l'homme et la femme...
Vous pouvez choisir les appréciations qui vous conviennent, et méditer un peu
en attendant, espérant, la stricte égalité... si elle est vraiment possible !
Courage pour le test !

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