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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°14307 : Idiomes et expressions idiomatiques

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Idiomes et expressions idiomatiques

A little bird told me
If someone doesn't want to say where they got some information from, they can say that a little bird told them.
A penny for your thoughts
This idiom is used as a way of asking someone what they are thinking about.
A penny saved is a penny earned
This means that we shouldn't spend or waste money, but try to save it.
A pretty penny
If something costs a pretty penny, it is very expensive.
Accident waiting to happen
If something is an accident waiting to happen, there's definitely going to be an accident or it's bound to go wrong.('Disaster waiting to happen' is also used.)
Add fuel to the fire
If people add fuel to the fire, they make a bad situation worse.
Ahead of the pack
If you are ahead of the pack, you have made more progress than your rivals.
Albatross around your neck
An albatross around, or round, your neck is a problem resulting from something you did that stops you from being successful.
Alike as two peas
 If people or things are as alike as two peas, they are identical.
All along
If you have known or suspected something all along, then you have felt this from the beginning.
All ears
If someone says they're all ears, they are very interested in hearing about something.
All fingers and thumbs
If you're all fingers and thumbs, you are too excited or clumsy to do something properly that requires manual dexterity.'All thumbs' is an alternative form of the idiom.
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1. To be means that you use your brain more than the others.

2. Because of that mistake you did, you have an .

3. You saw the playstation at the store? It is .

4. You should stop spending your money because .

5. I can't make the model, I am too stressed. I am .

6. Bob: How do you know what I wanted. Max: .

7. His brother and sister are .

8. The problem is very serious. You should stop to .

9. I am when you talk about sports.

10. I will pay you about my car.

11. I knew the suspect .

12. What are we doing, an .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Idiomes et expressions idiomatiques"
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