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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°14764 : Espagne : La peña de Francia

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Espagne : La peña de Francia

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The Peña de Francia is a mountain in the Sierra de Francia (Castile-Leon region). It is found in the South of the Salamanca province, at 83km from this city. Located on its is a Sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of the Peña de Francia. The ascension of the mountain is beautiful, the peace and quiet it feeling magical. The views are superb all the way. It is a wonderful ascension to do with a group of relatives and friends. The Sanctuary is very significant from a religious perspective. In 1409, an image of the was found here and there is a very nice story how this happened. A under the care of the Dominicans was then erected on this spot. Our Lady of the Peña de Francia notably the Patron of the province of Salamanca. that I have not actually taken a photograph of the statue of Our Lady, both because of the character of the and the fact that I think it is much nicer to climb the Peña without knowing what to expect quite so in case you would want to do this yourselves. The in the mountain are very well marked (through signs on trees, rocks etc.) and various paths are depending on how sportive you are feeling on the day.

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