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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°1874 : Matilda 8: a summary / ( Internet)

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Matilda 8: a summary / ( Internet)

Matilda from Roald Dahl: enjoy your reading!

Matilda is a bright little girl who is eager to learn. She loves playing tricks on her parents who don't pay attention to her. For example lining her father's hat with super glue or putting her mother's hair bleach into her father's hair tonic bottle. When she is almost four, she finally starts school. When she arrives there, she meets her new teacher, Miss Honey, whom she likes a lot. Matilda is such a clever child that she could move up to the highest class, but Miss Trunchbull doesn't agree with it. She first uses her magic, of which she had not known before, when she is accused of something she hasn't done. What she needs now is just one person, one wise and sympathetic grown-up who can help her to understand the meaning of this extraordinary event. Neither her mother nor her father will be of any use at all, so she chooses Miss Honey. They tell each other everything. One day Matilda goes to her teacher's cottage and Miss Honey tells the girl about the death of her father. Matilda, however, wants to help. She plays a great trick on Miss Trunchbull by using her powers. Everything falls into place. If you want to know how the book ends, you'll have to read it yourself.

 Test : les informations à trouver sont dans ce résumé.

Vocabulaire :
- bleach : décolorant
- (to) line : doubler, tapisser, garnir
- powers : pouvoirs
- wise : sensé(e)- prudent(e)
- event: événement
- meaning: sens- signification
- death: (la) mort
- a trick: une farce, un tour
- however: cependant

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1. What's the English word for ' brillante'?

2. Matilda hates playing tricks on her parents. Right / Wrong?

3. She sometimes puts her mother's hair into her father's hair tonic bottle.

4. What's the English word for 'colle'?

5. Find the opposite of 'lowest' in the text.

6. Why can't she move up to the highest class? Because Miss Trunchbull .

7. She has always known she had magic powers. Right / Wrong?

8. A person who is showing experience is .

9. Find a synonym for 'adult' in the text. a

10. Matilda wants to understand the of her magic powers.

11. Who will be helpful? Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull?

12. The place where Miss Honey lives : a

13. Miss Honey's father isn't alive. Right / Wrong

14. What does Matilda use to play a trick on Miss Trunchbull? Her

15. Translate into English (contraction- futur): Nous devrons le lire nous-mêmes.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Matilda 8: a summary / ( Internet)"
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