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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°1985 : Netiquette (vous et la ponctuation!!)

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Netiquette (vous et la ponctuation!!)


How much do you know about punctuation? Well, let's check it out!!

(this exercice also reminds you that the Internet is a public place. Although these rules are not really 'written laws', we shall respect them for everybody's sake.

   Netiquette & user guidelines

When we talk to someone face to face, we try to be polite to them. Did you know there’s also a polite way to behave on the Internet? It’s called “Netiquette”. In fact, it defines the rules of behavior that govern online interaction between users and also sets safety guidelines. Here are some examples:

1)      When you type, do not use capital letters. For example: “HELLO, HOW ARE YOU?” looks like you’re shouting. It’s better to write it this way: “Hello, how are you?”

2)      Instead, you can use this symbol: *…* . It shows that you want to put the emphasis on something.
For example: My name is *Harry*, not Henry.
3)      Use the _ …_ before and after the title of a book e.g. _The Alchemist_

4)      When you quote somebody and don’t write out the whole passage, use the (…) to show that you’ve omitted something and always quote their names: it is rude to let others think you are the author of something you didn’t write yourself.

5)      If you make a joke, remember to tell people: your joke may be taken the wrong way. You ought to be careful. Use emoticons/smileys to express your ideas e.g J = happy face.

6)      In a chat room, it is polite to say hello when you enter and “goodbye” when you leave. Imagine what it would be like if somebody came in and out your house without saying “hi!” and “bye”.

7)      Here are 2 useful and common abbreviations that you can find in English speaking chat rooms: FYI (For your information) and BTW (By the way).

8)      Finally, and that’s a very important rule: never assume your email messages are private nor that the e-mail address you give out on forums can be read by only yourself or the person(s) it is addressed to. Don't post confidential things on websites.
If you follow these simple rules of Netiquette, you can help make the Internet a nicer place!

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1. Which of the following is the synonym of capital letters?

2. Which of the following is spelled right?

3. What is the name of these punctuation marks _...._?

4. 'i.e.' is used in order to say:

5. What is the name of this punctuation symbol: (...)?

6. Basically, 'e.g.' means:

7. What is the name of these symbols (British English): ',,,'?

8. An acronym is:

9. What does 'FYI' stand for?

10. What does 'BTW' stand for?

11. Why is giving out your e-mail address not always safe?

12. If you were to name the most important rule in Netiquette, you would say

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Netiquette (vous et la ponctuation!!)"
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