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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°200 : 3-year-old hits the road in search of parents

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3-year-old hits the road in search of parents

It was the middle of the night and 3-year-old Lupita awoke early when she heard some noises. Her pregnant mother and her father had left their home for the hospital, but she didn't know that.

So Lupita, determined to find out where they had gone, put on her backpack, went outside -- while still in her pajamas -- and started walking.

That's when truck driver Ken Pinkham, returning home at 4 a.m., saw the little girl by herself on Garden Avenue in San Jose.

Pinkham called the police on his cell phone while at the same time keeping her in sight. He stayed back a few paces so as not to scare her.

Officers gently stopped the girl, who spoke only Spanish. She began yelling and kicked one officer in the groin, Pinkham said.

The officers put her in a police car temporarily and then took her back home, just a block away.

It turned out that her parents had told a roommate to tell someone else in the home to look after the girl as they went to the hospital. But, the roommate immediately fell asleep…

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

middle = milieu
to awake, awoke, awoken = se réveiller
pregnant = enceinte
backpack = sac à dos
pajamas (US) = pyjamas (GB)
truck = camion
cell phone = portable
keeping her in sight = la gardant dans son champ de vision
to yell = crier
she kicked one officer in the groin = elle a donné un coup de pied dans l'aine / les testicules d'un officier
a roommate = un compagnon d'appartement
to fall (fell, fallen) asleep = s'endormir

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1. What happened?

2. How did Lupita react when she saw the police?

3. Why was Lupita alone at home?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "3-year-old hits the road in search of parents"
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