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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°2012 : Emploi du temps (4 formes du futur/avec indices)

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Emploi du temps (4 formes du futur/avec indices)

 hello everyone!

Before getting down to work, here is a reminder in brief:

1) If you are doing something, it means that you have already planned to do it.

2) If something is going to (do), it means that the present situation makes you believe so. Some clues enable you to predict something.

If you are going to (do), it means that you have decided but not necessarily arranged to do something.

3) If you will be doing something, it means that, for some period of time in the future, you will be in the process/in the middle of doing something.

4)  If something will be done (…) it means that, by some time in the future, an action or activity will have been carried off, completed, ended.

  Each of the above-mentioned form is governed by other rule: I only mentioned those you need to keep in mind when you do this present exercise.


Instruction: read Keith's timetable carefully and pick up the right awswer.


Tues., Class timetable


Time            Class

8:00 – 8:50       History

9:00 – 9:50       Algebra

10:00 – 10:05     (morning break)

10:10 – 11:00     English

11:10 – 12-00

12:00 – 12:50     Lunch

1:00 – 1:50       Arts

2:00 – 2:50       Biology


Don’t forget: return books to library

+ meeting Dan @3pm.

'@' is the shorthand writing for 'at' @3pm = at 3.00pm

Context: it's 7am. Keith is on his way to school. He is reading his timetable and imagines what he will be doing at different times today.

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I have 4 classes in the morning. At 8.30 in my History class. My teacher likes the French Revolution very much and knows the subject inside out! By 8.55, my history class I don't like Algebra and lucky for me, I've got a 15-minute break right after. At 10.30, , for this I will have to wait until the afternoon Biology class. No, at about 10.30, English exercises. We'll probably work on the future tense. I wish we could skip ahead to another lesson, but the teacher said that it is important that we master this tense. By 11:20 The afternoon workload isn't too bad. I only have 2 classes, including the Arts class. Drawing is a lot of fun, my teacher is funny too and my classmates are very quiet in the afternoon...this class the most relaxing moment of the day! After school, I usually ride my bike home. But this time is different Dan at 3 o'clock. Yesterday, we talked about how we but didn't have any idea and we still haven't made up our mind. I guess we

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Emploi du temps (4 formes du futur/avec indices)"
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