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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°21388 : Between ou among

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> Tests similaires : - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Adverbes de fréquence et place - Prétérit ou present perfect - Adjectives and adverbs - Adverbes de fréquence - Although / in spite of / despite - Adverbes : Still, yet et already - Attendre : wait/expect
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...

Between ou among

Between ==> is used when there are people or things on either side of someone or something:

- The ball went straight between the goalkeeper's legs.

- The teacher walked up and down between the rows of desks.

- Give me a number between 4 and 14


Among ==> is used when (at least three) people or things are considered as a group or mass:

- I eventually found the photograph among a pile of old letters.

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1. There were strips of paper sticking out the pages in the book.

2. I saw my friends Tom and Jim at the airport the passengers waiting in the check-in queue.

3. The great thing about my new job is that I'm working people who are highly motivated.

4. He put the whistle his lips and blew hard.

5. The rare map was many other documents found hidden in a barn after the war.

6. We spent hours in an elevator that got stuck floors.

7. Shining a torch the floorboards,she could see into the cellar below.

8. They have to finish the top three teams to qualify for the next round of the competition.

9. The cat leapt down from the tree the birds,and they all flew away.

10. How far is it Germany and Paris.

11. My car broke down on the E15 junction 15 and 16.

12. It is claimed that there are rebel soldiers the refugees in the camp.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Between ou among"
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