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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°2443 : Je viens de Chinatown - I'm from Chinatown

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Je viens de Chinatown - I'm from Chinatown

(choices 1998)


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1. My parents came to New York from China in 1978. They came in this country with my older sister because they wanted more for their children

2. My younger brother and I were born here. We are Chinese-Americans.When I was younger, I to be totally American

3. I wanted to fit in with my friends. But as I’ve , I’ve started to appreciate the part of that’s Chinese.

4. I know how to speak Chinese and there are certain Chinese traditions that I really love, little things that I can do to stay with the Chinese culture

5. For instance, to an old Chinese tradition, you’re not supposed to wash your hair on the birthday of a relative or close friend. It brings bad luck.

6. On Chinese New Year which is in February (the date changes every year), my family has a feast.

7. There are ten different and you have to eat two pieces of each plate, plus two bowls of rice.

8. You’re also supposed to put tangerine by your bed on the day of the New Year.

9. You keep it there for weeks until it rots. It brings good into the New Year.

10. I don’t always know the meaning of these , but that doesn’t matter to me. I ask my mother and she says that’s just the way it is.

11. I think food is the most important to keep our culture alive. Every meal in our house is a Chinese meal.

12. My mother cooks traditional foods and Chinese like shark fin soup. We eat with chopsticks and speak mainly Chinese at table.

13. My life is pretty busy. I’m a junior at New York University and twice a week I work at 'choices'. But every Sunday I my whole day with my family.

14. In the morning we go to Chinatown. After going to church, we go at the food market.

15. When I’m at school or at work I feel like another American, but In Chinatown all these Chinese people, I feel like I’m part of them.

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