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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°24517 : Allergies

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People are allergic to all sorts of things. We all know about the reaction that some people have to peanuts, a serious allergy which can be fatal.

Others experience unpleasant symptoms like asthma when they come into contact with cats and dogs, which means that they can never have these animals as pets.

Teachers are often allergic to chalk but find that they are no better off when they change to white-boards as they feel dizzy and ill with the smell from white-board markers.



    There are also some very strange allergies. A man who lives in Seville is allergic to oranges. He can never eat this delicious fruit and he has to stay away from the fragrant orange-blossom that is so common in his city.

There have been very rare cases of children who have come out in a rash when in contact with water, which is not psychological, as one would assume.

In England a woman has a phobia about peas. If she sees peas on her plate in a restaurant, for example, she will run out screaming. That could well be psychological.

There is one case of a woman who is allergic to pansies, so if you grow pansies in your garden, don't invite her to admire your flowers, or you may end up taking her to hospital.

My husband is allergic to dust, according to him, which means he never dusts. I suggest he wears a mask. He's also allergic to cooking and ironing. I suggest he wears creased clothes and eats in restaurants.

I personally am allergic to strawberries but even if I come out in itchy spots I still love having a big bowl of luscious strawberries covered in cream!


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1. An allergy to peanuts

2. Teachers

3. Asthma symptoms are

4. The man who is allergic to oranges

5. Children who are allergic to water

6. What did the woman in the restaurant do?

7. If your friend is allergic to pansies

8. The author's husband

9. He

10. The author

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Allergies"
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