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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°26279 : Animaux sauvages

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Animaux sauvages


                la fouine = stone marten


                le rat =  the rat


                le kangourou = the kangaroo


                le chimpanzé = the chimpanzee


             la  girafe =  the giraffe


                le lama = the llama


                la souris = the mouse (plur. mice)


                le guépard = the cheetah


                le panda = the panda


                le loup = the wolf (plur. wolves)


                l'ours brun = the brown bear


                la panthère = the panther


             l'ours blanc = the white bear


                le lion = the lion


                le rhinocéros = the rhinoceros


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1. It 's a large animal with a very long neck, long legs and dark patches on its yellow skin.

2. This one is cat-like animal with black spots and can run very fast.

3. It's a wild animal that belongs to the cat family and is usually black.

4. This one is very strong with thick fur and sharp claws! you can meet it in the forest.

5. It looks like a large dog and can kill other animals to eat them. It lives in groups in the forest.

6. It's a small furry animal with a long tail.

7. It's a small wild animal with a long thin body, four short legs, and reddish-brown fur. It kills rats, mice and birds for food.

8. It moves forward by jumping on its back legs.

9. This wild animal is a black and white one which lives in the bamboo forests of China.

10. It has a long tail and looks like a large mouse. Do you remember Ratatouille?

11. It's a big African ape which has black or brown fur, large ears, and is very intelligent.

12. It's a big animal with a very thick skin and one or two horns on its nose.

13. It's an animal with brownish yellow fur ! It's the king of the jungle.

14. It's a South American animal that is like a small camel without a hump, it has thick hair on its body.

15. It's a white large animal which lives near the North Pole and which is about to disappear.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Animaux sauvages"
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