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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°31093 : En voyage!

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En voyage!

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1. During their holidays my friends went on in Kenya,
they wanted to observe lions, giraffes and other wild animals.

2. (Santa Maria) On August 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus departed from Palos (Spain) for a long across the ocean.
He called the first island he saw San Salvador (now the Bahamas)

3. Clipperton is a French atoll in the north Pacific ocean,
1280km southwest of Mexico. Jean-Louis Etienne went on an to Clipperton (Dec. 2004-April 2005)
to study the biodiversity of this area.

4. Magellan (Victoria)
On September 6, 1522 almost three years after the day it began its historic journey the Victoria arrived in Spain.
It was the first vessel to realise a of the globe.

5. A few years ago we went to New Caledonia
to see our children. It was a long ,a 24 hours' flight from Paris to Nouméa.

6. At the end of June the teacher and his pupils went on an
to Carcassonne to visit the fortified city.

7. (Ramses and Nefertiti) A down the Nile is probably one of the most popular 'dream' holidays.

8. 'A to the Moon' (1902) was extremely popular in its day
and is the best known of the hundreds films made by Georges Méliès

9. Anoushe Ansari spent her childhood dreaming of a space .
On September 18, 2006 she was the first civilian woman to join the International Space Station.
She blasted off from Baïkonur and came back ten days later.It cost her $20m.

10. Strait of Dover Gertrude Ederle (1906-2003) was an American competitive swimmer.
In 1926 she became the first woman to make the of the English Channel (31km in 14 hours and 30 minutes)

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "En voyage!"
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