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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°3272 : Bons temps : Two years in a tree

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Bons temps : Two years in a tree

This is an interview of 24-year old Julia “Butterfly” Hill who risked her life to save a 1500 year old Redwood tree in Northern California. The tree she calls “Luna” was scheduled for destruction when Julia climbed up 180 feet and refused to come down for over 2 years. Her resistance against one of the biggest lumber companies in America inspired one of the biggest standoffs between residents and environmental activists against corporate powers in the world and is ongoing today. It is a story of bravery and determination in a fight against overpowering and reckless corporate interests and of the resolute idealism of a young rebel who wins in the end.


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1. Julia Butterfly (to live) up a redwood tree 180 feet above the floor.

2. Julia (to be) in this tree for two months.

3. She (have to pull) all her food and things up to the top of the tree by rope.

4. She (to do) this because

5. Pacific Lumber, the tree-cutting company (to want) to cut down ancient redwoods north of San Francisco.

6. ' I (to try) to convince pacific Lumber to save this tree.

7. I really (not to want) them to touch it ', said Butterfly.

8. Pacific Lumber company (to see) it differently.

9. ' Julia Butterfly (to be) on our land illegally ' they say.

10. ' The tree is a symbol of what we (to do).

11. We can’t (to save) every tree.

12. I (to know) we can’t save all the trees.

13. But the more we (to cause) trouble,

14. The more things (to change) ', Butterfly said.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Bons temps : Two years in a tree"
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