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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°34156 : Mots mêlés

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> Tests similaires : - Matériel scolaire - Expressions courantes - A la maison-Vocabulaire - Arriver : Le traduire en anglais - Vocabulaire : Notions de géographie - Sur la route-Lexique - Animaux en images - Verbes en images
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...

Mots mêlés

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Mode d'emploi : cliquez sur chaque lettre pour reconstituer le bon mot. Cliquez sur la boîte pour recommencer. Une aide dans la case grise.

1. Rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday,celebrations ( )   [fi...]

2. To cover with water; the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean ( )   [f...]

3. The coloured part of plants that carry seeds ( )   [f...]

4. To come or go after ( )   [f...]

5. Of, about or from another nation ( )   [f...]

6. Not to remember ( )   [f...]

7. To pardon; to excuse; to remove guilt ( )   [f...]

8. Earlier in time; not now ( )   [f...]

9. Time after now; in the time to come ( )   [f...]

10. To bring or come together into a group or place ( )   [g...]

11. A high military leader; without details ( )   [g...]

12. A group of individuals born and living at about the same time ( )   [ge...]

13. Things owned or made to be sold ( )   [g...]

14. Land; the earth's surface; soil ( )   [g...]

15. To promise a result; to promise that something will happen ( )   [gu...]

16. To watch and protect a person, place or thing ( )   [g...]

17. Having done something wrong or in violation of a law; responsible for a bad action ( )   [g...]

18. To gather crops; the crop after it is gathered ( )   [h...]

19. The centre from which orders are given; the main offices of a business or organization ( )   [he...]

20. The general condition of the body and mind; the condition of being free from disease ( )   [h...]

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Mots mêlés"
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