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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°38625 : Présent simple

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> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - Présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Fiche synthétique : présent simple / présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Présent simple ou BE- ing - Thierry en Angleterre 6 - Modal : may/might
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Présent simple



We generally use the Simple Present to talk about:

  • Habits and repeated actions

This includes daily events, hobbies, habits and things that often happen. Examples: She plays tennis every saturday. We always forget to lock the back door.

  • Facts

It does not matter whether the statement is true as long as the speaker believes it is, or at least says so. We also use simple present to make generalizations. Examples: Snakes change their skins regularly (true statement). Women are complicated (generalization).

  • Events in the near future

The Simple Present is occasionally used to talk about something that will happen in the future, and is mostly used when talking about transportation or scheduled eventsl. Examples: The plain arrives tomorrow at 10 a.m. The weekly meeting starts in a few hours. Tutoring sessions start next wednesday. 

  • Actions taking place now

For speaking about something that takes place at the moment, Present Continuous is used, except when the action concerns a non-continuous verb. These verbs are usually things that can't be seen. Some of them are: to be, to want, to like, to love, to hate, to fear, to envy, to cost, to contain, to seem, to need, to care, to exist, to owe, to belong, to own, etc. They often express emotions or states of mind, and others are related to possesion. Examples: Marie is crying, I think she needs help (she is crying at the moment, so she needs help now). Where is my copy of the textbook? David has it right now, he's over there.




This is how it is generally formed: INFINITIVE (+ s/es with he, she or it)

For example: 

I play - You play - He/She/It plays - We play - You play - They play

I study - You study - He/She/It studies - We study - You study - They study


The verb to be is different, as it also changes with I:

I am - You are - He/She/It is - We are - You are - They are


Negative and interrogative sentences make use of the auxiliary verb do

I do - You do - He/She/It does - We do - You do - They do

  • She doesn't/does not like pop music.
  • Do they call their mother every day?
  • I don't/do not like being told what to do.

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1. My best friend (love) reading novels.

2. Unfortunately, I (wake up) every day in a terrible mood.

3. He always (forget) to wash the dishes.

4. We have to get there as fast as we can, they (arrive) in the next train.

5. She (not enjoy) going to the cinema.

6. No matter what he says, I (think) it would be better to talk to her.

7. (have, you) an older brother?

8. Spain (be) a small country.

9. John (play) chess every Friday afternoon.

10. Cats (not like) swimming, or getting wet at all.

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