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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°39 : ADVANCED LEVEL ONLY 2

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> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...


5 exercises in one:
I.The correct use of subjective and objective case : Find the correct word from the alternatives given in the following sentences.

II.Recognise the common forms of possessive case : choose the correct answer.

III.Recognise the inappropriate placement of phrases and clauses: choose the correct answer.

IV.Practice in recognising some of the more common tautologies/pleonasms and double negativity: Select which word or words are unnecessary for the meaning of the following sentences.

V.Practice in recognising a range of common errors: Which words of the following sentences do you consider to be wrong?

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1. I. The University took account of passing subjects from a previous course. (;

2. I. Fishing is a favourite pastime for my brother and . (A. I; B. me)

3. I. All things come to who waits. (A.he ; B.him)

4. I. This sentence is written by someone appears is illiterate. (A.who; B.whom)

5. II. A.The mice's nests were filthy;B.The mices' nests were filthy;C.The mices nests were filthy;D.The mices's nests were filthy.

6. II. A.Please let go of that little girls' toy.B.Please let go of that little girls toy;C.Please let go of that little girl's toy;D.Please let go of that little girl' toy.

7. II. A.Our princess' husband is not feeling too well;B.Our princess's husband is not feeling too well;C.Our princesses husband is not feeling too well;D.Our princess husband is not feeling too well.

8. II. A.It's her book and hers to read;B.Its her book and her's to read;C.Its her book and hers to read;D.It's her book and her's to read.

9. III. A. A 26-year-old man was convicted of dangerous driving in the Central Court yesterday;B.A 26-year-old man was convicted in the Central Court yesterday of dangerous driving

10. III. A.A brilliant journalist, he aroused great praise for his articles.B.A brilliant journalist, his articles aroused great praise.C.A brilliant journalist, great praise was aroused by his articles

11. III. A.Destroyed by retsina, Athens was where we retreated to by bus.;B.Destroyed by retsina, the bus took us back to Athens.;C.Destroyed by retsina, we retreated by bus to Athens.;

12. IV. Look, I've got to leave at 2 p.m. this afternoon, why don't you call me early tomorrow morning. A.this afternoon;B.morning;C.this afternoon and morning;D.this afternoon, morning, me

13. IV. Nuclear fusion on a practical scale is almost certain to be developed later this decade. A.' later' ;B.' almost' ;C.' Nuclear' ;D.' later' and ' almost'

14. IV. It is only those who do nothing who don't make mistakes. A.' It is' ;B.' don't' ;C.the second ' who' ;D.No words can be eliminated

15. IV. The reason why the French sailed from Botany Bay is unclear. A.' reason' ;B.' why' ;C.' the' ;D.No words can be eliminated

16. V. Our parents bought us up to believe in concensus. A.' bought' ;B.' concensus' ;C.' bought' and ' concensus' ;D.All of the words are correct.;

17. V. Everything is alright at home, so its no longer a problem. A.' alright' ;B.' its' ;C.' alright' and ' its' ;D.' alright', ' its' and ' no longer' ;

18. V. It seemed like a whole day had been wasted: alot of us wanted to give up. A.' alot' ;B.' like' ;C.' alot' and ' like' ;D.' alot', ' like', and ' :' ;

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "ADVANCED LEVEL ONLY 2"
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