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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°39184 : Un Indien nommé Ishi

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Un Indien nommé Ishi

On the morning of August 29,1911,a hungry Indian was found at Oroville,California,The sheriff thought he was mad,so he put the man in prison to keep him safe.


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1. Over the next few days,people came to talk to the man.

2. They spoke to him in English,Spanish,and a number of Indian ,but he didn't understand a word.

3. His name was ISHI,he was the last person of the Yahi Indian tribe of California.The tribe had once been large,but the gold rush years nearly all of the Yahi had been killed.

4. However ,about 50 members of the tribe had survived,and had gone to live in the desert;slowly,over the years ,the group had become and smaller.And in the end,only ISHI was left.

5. A few days later,professor Waterman from the university of California came to see him.He spoke some Indian languages and read out a list of .ISHI did not understand any of them.

6. But then,the professor said 'siwini' (wood),and pointed to the bed in the corner of the .ISHI's eyes opened wide and he laughed out loud.

7. It was the first word in his own language that he had heard more than three years.

8. Starting this one word,professor Waterman soon learned how to talk to ISHI.

9. ISHI was then taken to Los Angeles, he became a star.

10. He helped the professor to learn more about Indian languages and .He died in 1916,and his language died with him.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Un Indien nommé Ishi"
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