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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°4117 : Incroyable succès de la série 'Lost'

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Incroyable succès de la série 'Lost'

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- Last week, the American Academy of Television Arts and Sciences presented its Emmy Awards for the best television programs of last .

- The program 'Lost' won the for best dramatic series.

- 'Lost' is one of the most popular television in the world. Barbara Klein has more.

- BARBARA KLEIN: 'Lost' follows more than forty of an airplane crash on what appears to be an island in the Pacific Ocean.

- The must work together to stay alive and find help to rescue them.

- Every week, the program shows more information about each survivor before the crash. And every week, they form new .

- The survivors include an American doctor named Jack and a named Kate.

- Others include a Korean husband and wife, a former Iraqi soldier and a British rock .

- Critics say “Lost” is popular because of the the survivors find on the island.

- For example, last season, a huge unknown killed the pilot of the plane and continued to terrorize the survivors.

- A strange French woman who lives alone on the island stole the baby of one of the survivors.

- The survivors discover another group of people on the island who they call: 'The '.

- And one of the survivors who could not move his before the plane crash is able to walk normally on the island.

- That man’s name on the show is John Locke. He and the doctor at times appear to be competing for .

- In the first show of the new season last week, John decides to take action and explore a strange covered in the ground. The doctor questions his decision:

- JACK: 'John, what are you doing?'
'JOHN: 'I’m getting some .'

- JACK: 'What for?'
JOHN: 'It’s for the hatch. I’m going in.'
JACK: 'Do you think that’s the thing to do right now, John?'

- JOHN: 'I doubt it. In fact, you’re right. The safest thing is to stay here, wait for morning. Wait for these others to see if they ever show up. Wait for the brave folks on the to bring help. But me? I’m tired of waiting.'

- In May, fans of “Lost” criticized the show for the secret of that hole until the beginning of the second season.

- People watching the show in the United States now know what is down there and if it will help or hurt the survivors. But we are not going to tell because some of you may not have seen that yet. To find out, you will just have to watch LOST.

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