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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°46192 : Infinitif avec ou sans to

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> Tests similaires : - Proposition infinitive - Verbes d'état - Want n'aime pas That - Gérondif ou infinitif? - Verbes de perception - Proposition infinitive - Infinitif / gérondif - Infinitif-son emploi
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Infinitif avec ou sans to



Ecrivez dans la case le verbe à l'infinitif avec ou sans to....

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1. Emmy has finally agreed (to marry) Mike.

2. In my opinion Percy is just pretending (to love) her.

3. She'd rather (to marry) Billy .

4. One day I heard him (to sing) her a song, he had such a beautiful voice !

5. To know him was (to love) him. He was so disarming.

6. But Emmy is old enough (to make) up her own mind, isn't she?

7. And nobody can force her (to do) something she doesn't agree with.

8. Last Friday I invited her (to have) dinner with me

9. then I asked her (to explain) her strange choice but she just cried

10. and said : ' I'd like something strong (to drink) ' before adding

11. “Billy is dead...This morning a walker saw him (to fall) from the cliff…”

12. and she flew to the door. I couldn't (to say) a word.

13. .. Poor sweet Billy. I felt tears (to fall) down my face

14. Anyway I won't be able (to go) to her wedding next month

15. First, I can't decide whether (to buy) a colourful dress or a black one.

16. Next, it's far from here and my father will never agree (to lend) me his car

17. The thing is that weddings make me (to sleep) !

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Infinitif avec ou sans to"
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