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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°46366 : Prépositions - cours

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> Tests similaires : - IN, ON, AT ou TO? Quelle préposition employer? - Adjectifs et prépositions - Demander/Indiquer son chemin en anglais - Appartement: Thierry en Angleterre 8 - Prépositions de lieu - FOR-Savoir l'employer - Across et through - Adjectifs courants et leur préposition
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Prépositions - cours

Prepositions of time and date:




at  a timeon a dayin a period

-I wake up at 6 o'clock

-we take our lunch at midday

-Angela and Gunay always visit their family at Christmas.

-we will go on Saturday.

-the results of the bac exam will appear on 5th July.

-my friend was born on Christmas day.

-She received this news on the evening of 7th June.

-we always clean the house in the morning.

-it rains here in the morning.

- I was born in 1983.






  • we use 'at'to say :at that time exactly.

EX:the movie will start at 9.00.

     dinner will be served at 8.00.


  • we use 'by' when we mean to say either at  that time or at some time before it but not late or after this time.

EX:we have to be ready by 6 o'clock.


  • till/until  means from a certain time to specific point of time.

EX:I will be at work till/until 11.00 .

     I will be swimming till/until 7.00.




-on time  means at the right time.

Ex: the bus left on time.


-in time means not late.

EX:we will be in time for the show.


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1. I will see my friends Friday.

2. I 'm from Algeria,it's really hot here August.

3. Our teacher always comes .

4. It's so hot noon !

5. My sister was born the morning of 15th October.

6. She must be ready 7.00., not later.

7. I will be working 8.00.

8. We will be for the movie.

9. The train left 5.00.

10. The stars are so beautiful midnight ! Look !

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