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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°49530 : Villes célèbres

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Villes célèbres

 Famous Cities   


London: Londres : Is the capital of England and The United Kingdom, it is also among the world's largest cities. London is famous for  Buckingham Palace and  Big Ben.

  Buckingham Palace: Le Palais de Buckingham.

 The Clock Tower 'Big Ben': La Tour de L'horloge.

Paris: Paris: This is the largest city and the capital of France. It is famous for the Eiffel Tower. 

 The Eiffel Tower: La tour Eiffel.

Rome: Rome is the capital  of Italy, and it is among the world's oldest cities. It is famous for the Colosseum.

 The Colosseum: Le Colisée.

Hollywood: Hollywood: Today the name 'Hollywood' is directly linked  to the cinema and movie stars. This US city is referred to as the Movie Capital of the World.

  Hollywood sign: Le Panneau de Hollywood.

Moscow: Moscow:This is the capital of Russia and also the largest city in Europe. It is famous for the Kremlin and  Red Square.

 The Kremlin: Le Kremlin

  Red Square: La Place Rouge.

Sydney: Sydney:This is the most  well-known city in Australia. It is famous for the 'Sydney Opera House'

 The Opera House: L'opéra de Sydney.

New York City: New York: This is the largest city in  the US, and it is famous for the Statue of Liberty situated on  Liberty Island.

 The Statue of Liberty: La Statue de la Liberté

Athens: Athènes: This is the largest city in Greece, the capital of the country, and one of the world's oldest cities. It is famous for its ancient temples: The Acropolis and The Parthenon.

 The Acropolis: Acropole d'Athènes.

 The Parthenon: Le Parthénon.


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1. My friend Michael lives in New York City and a few weeks ago he sent me a picture of .

2. was named after its designer, the engineer Gustave Eiffel.

3. is one of the ancient amphitheatres in Rome.

4. was presented to the US by France.

5. is the official residence of the President of Russia.

6. is one of the most famous buildings in the modern world.

7. is the world's movie capital and the residence of many famous film stars.

8. are the ancient temples in Athens,

9. is among the World's Heritage sites in Russia.

10. The Clock Tower is also referred to as .

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