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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°5712 : Une investigation - cours

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> Tests similaires : - Prétérit - Prétérit ou present perfect - Prétérit en BE + ING - Prétérit - Past continuous/Past simple - Bilan sur les temps du passé en anglais. (grand cours) - Prononciation du -ED final au prétérit - Present perfect ou prétérit
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Une investigation - cours

  • RAPPEL : 

  • L'action passée en cours de réalisation


    par une autre action passée.

    Examine the first situation :

    Yesterday, Lisa and Luke played tennis.

    They began at 3.00 p.m

    They finished at 5.00 p.m

    • So, at 4.00, they were playing tennis.

    They were playing => they were in the middle of playing.

    • ( I, he, she, it + WAS ) or ( we, you, they + WERE ) + Ving => PAST CONTINUOUS

    Examine the second situation :

    Lisa and Luke were playing tennis = they were in the middle of playing

    4.15 : Jim arrived

    Jim arrived = PAST SIMPLE ( prétérit )

    • They were playing tennis when Jim arrived.

    Conclusion :

    We often use the past simple ( prétérit ) and the past continuous together to say that …

    something happened in the middle of something else.

    ( Nous utilisons souvent le past continuous et le past simple ensemble pour dire qu'une action, - un événement -, se produit au cours d'une autre action.).

    Lisa et Luke JOUAIENT ( = étaient en train de jouer ) quand Jim est arrivé / arriva.

    Autres exemples :

    It was raining when we went out. ( = il pleuvait quand nous sommes sortis ).

    He phoned while we were having dinner. ( = Il a téléphoné pendant que nous dînions).

  • Read this piece of news  before doing the exercise.

' Last night at 7.45 an English teacher, Mr Jones, was walking from his school to his car when someone attacked him from behind. The attacker hit him on the head; the police think the attacker was a pupil...maybe a girl ! They are going to interview every fourth-year pupil. A policeman interviewed the teacher last night after the attack.'


Do the exercise :

An investigation :

  • Policeman : What can you remember about yesterday night ? 


  • Help : yard => cour - a stocking => un bas  - to sprain => fouler - ankle => cheville - to try => essayer - to drop => laisser tomber
  • Attention au temps de  la question 12 ! ( petit piège...)
  • Les éléments  5 & 6 = 1 phrase  
  •  Les éléments 10 & 11 = 1 phrase


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1. Mr Jones : Well, (I / to work) late with other teachers...

2. Policeman : What time (you / to leave) the staff room ?

3. Mr Jones : At twenty to eight. I am certain because (I / to look) at my watch.

4. Policeman : What (you / to do) then ?

5. Mr Jones : Well, I crossed the yard. (I / to walk) to my car...

6. ... when (somebody / to hit) me on the head.

7. Policeman : (you / to see) the attacker ?

8. Mr Jones : No, (he / to wear) a stocking over his head.

9. Policeman : Tell me, Mr Jones... How (you / to sprain) your ankle ?

10. Mr Jones : Er....I'm rather heavy, you see... While (they / to try) to put me

11. into the ambulance, (they / to drop) me !

12. Policeman : (I / to see) . That's bad luck !

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Une investigation - cours"
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