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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°63079 : Sons et bruits

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Sons et bruits

A sound is what you hear or can be heard while a noise is a sound,especially a loud or unpleasant one.

Below you'll find noises and sounds people or things can make.


things making the sound

verb of the sound (v)

name of the sound (n)

a door that needs oiling

 a wooden floor, a stair when a pressure is put on it


to creak


a bacon, a drop of water or butter on a hot frying pan


to sizzle


leaves, clothes or papers when rubbed against each other


to rustle


a bomb, a gun


to bang


a clock or a watch


to tick


a cat when caressed

a well-tuned car engine


to purr


car tyres when one brakes suddenly


to screech


a heavy object hitting something else or falling on the ground


to thud


bell, keys in a pocket


to jingle


a bar of soap falling into the full bath tub, a drop of water


to plop


champagne cork coming out


to pop


little bells, wine glasses


to tinkle

tinkle (light ringing sounds)

a light being switched on


to click


kettle lid shaking while water boiling

window in the wind


to rattle


chair dragged across the floor


to scrape


a fridge, a factory machine


to hum


ocean hitting the rocks, when you jump into the river


to splash


wood burning in fire


to crackle

crackle, crackling

sound people make when moaning

a dog asking for food

a vacuum cleaner


to whine



rubber sole of shoes on shiny floor

car tyres in a car park


to squeak


a car, thunder or a lion

an audience's laughter


to roar


footsteps, rain on the roof

to patter


*pitter-patter(adv): with quick light beats or steps



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1. I was having my coffee on the balcony as his Rolls-Royce along the road.

2. All of a sudden the big sack of potatoes to the ground.

3. The beaver slid down the short waterfall, .

4. Josh couldn't sleep with the clock.

5. Mum said : 'Stop or you won't get any candy at all!'

6. My heart went pitter-patter hearing the of his footsteps upstairs.

7. The train to a halt.

8. A rat and ran into the bushes.

9. In the sitting-room a fire was heating up our frozen toes.

10. Busy the newspapers for the match results I couldn't hear Dan calling.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Sons et bruits"
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