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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°65050 : Avenir et bonne aventure

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> Tests similaires : - Vocabulaire : dire bonjour - Vocabulaire : au téléphone - Au téléphone - Converser en anglais - Expressions courantes - Dialogue : à quelle heure? - Structures au conditionnel - CV et lettre de motivation-Lexique
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Avenir et bonne aventure

Patricia does not feel very happy and worries all the time about her life. She does hope everything will get better in the future, but she can't believe that it will happen.

To reassure herself, she decides to see a clairvoyant who can tell the future.

Now she is at Mrs Stella's, who is consulting her crystal ball.


Mrs Stella is very concentrated and tells Patricia without looking at her :


(find the correct verb she uses in each sentence)

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- 'I see that you will most certainly soon a new, interesting job

- which will make you a lot of new friends.'

- 'Unhappily one of them might suffer from a serious illness and surgery.'

- 'That friend, a dark-haired young man, should quickly health and set up home with a pretty young blond girl.'

- ('My crystal ball tells me that the young girl tremendously like you, with her blue eyes and long blond hair !')

- 'The young couple will a nice flat and live together for several months.

- 'Within less than two years, they will in their village.'

- 'They will a lot of money on lotto and travel abroad.'

- 'For sure, they will their honeymoon in the Bahamas !'

- 'When they are back, they will a new house and move into another town far from their parents'.'

- 'Later they will four children, two nice daughters and two dark-haired sons.'

- 'In fact, I believe the young lady might yourself, and I wish you a long, happy life with the dark-haired young man !'

- Patricia comes back home smiling again and she would like to in those predictions, but she can't take them seriously.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Avenir et bonne aventure"
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