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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°65294 : Journal et bonne affaire

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Journal et bonne affaire


I have my own way of reading the newspaper, especially on weekends. I like to read the comics first. Ever since I can remember, I've enjoyed reading the funnies. They always make me laugh. Then I look at the newspaper's editorial. I don't always agree with the opinions stated on the editorial page, but it's good to know how other people feel about items in the news. And I always like to be up on the latest news events and what others think about them.

In yesterday's editorial, there was a thoughtful article by the editor of the paper. He wrote that he opposes the proposed law of road traffic, stating many reasons why he is against it. He was objective  about the subject, stating both sides of the argument, but from his viewpoint, there are more disadvantages than advantages. He was very good at putting across his ideas, because his article was clear and easy to follow.

My favourite column is the one I read next. The author of this column sees the humorous side of everyday things and that's what he writes about.

This writer usually draws a funny cartoon to go along with his article, and today's picture really made me laugh.

Last of all, I read the amusement section to see what movies and plays are in town, and what special events are going on. That's how I come up with ideas on what to do each weekend.

For just less than 1€, I can be entertained and made to laugh, be informed on the latest news items, and have my weekend planned all at the same time. What a deal!


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1. The decided not to print the story that John had written.

2. The today aren't as funny as some of the ones from years ago.

3. Capt Ames doesn't like two people in the unit and his evaluations of them are never .

4. Supervisors must be able to clearly their ideas.

5. I enjoy reading books by this .

6. The children watched in as the monkeys made funny faces.

7. The newspaper printed an in favour of the new library.

8. You should check this if you're looking for a job.

9. If everyone we can afford to go to the beach.

10. The university changing the graduation requirements.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Journal et bonne affaire"
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