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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°7047 : Tournures idiomatiques avec Head-Mind-Mouth

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Tournures idiomatiques avec Head-Mind-Mouth



Choisir la tournure idiomatique pour remplacer l'expression entre parenthèses.

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1. He has had a (high opinion of himself) since he got his new job.

2. The platter of food in the front window (made me want to eat it)

3. He was (arguing about something unimportant) when he began to talk about the transportation costs for the material

4. My grandfather is very (forgetful) and often forgets his keys

5. My uncle (faced his problems bravely) when the bank tried to close down his business

6. The name of the new book was (at the point that I could almost remember) but I still couldn't remember it.

7. It really (seems unbelievable) as to the amount of money he lost in his business.

8. That man is a (stupid person) and doesn't understand anything that I tell him

9. I was able to make it to the train (just barely)

10. He is a hard worker and built up his business (by his own hard work)

11. I heard about the new store (from my friends)

12. It would (shock you) to learn how much my friend spends on food each month

13. You should try to (forget) that you lost your wallet and credit cards

14. We met this morning and (talked) to see what to do about the broken furnace

15. I spent the morning (asking questions of) the electrician to see how the electrical system in our house functioned

16. My sister brought her baby over to get the child (to stop bothering her)

17. I can't really (understand) the reason that my friend quit his job

18. That man is a (boastful and foolish talker) so nobody likes him.

19. The mayor gave (his support) to the new proposal but he didn't really like it

20. I had to (keep silent) although I disagreed with everything that the man said

21. I was able to keep (out of difficulty) during the severe economic conditions in our company.

22. The car salesman must (be stupid) to think that I would buy such an expensive car

23. It (came to my mind) that if I left work early I could probably get to the station and meet my boss before he left

24. I argued until I was (very angry and upset) but it never solved anything of course

25. I tried to remember my doctor's name (without thinking too hard) but I couldn't remember it.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Tournures idiomatiques avec Head-Mind-Mouth"
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