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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°78027 : Adverbes et leurs fonctions - cours

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Adverbes et leurs fonctions - cours

Adverbs play a vital role in every language. 

Adverbs are words which describe or modify other verbs (The thief ran quickly).  Adverbs also modify adjectives (The really dumb thief looked right into the security camera).  Adverbs may also modify other adverbs (The police very easily arrested the dumb thief).  Adverbs will often indicate frequency:  often, never, always, usually.  Adverbs can generally be identified by their:

             1) Function (how, when, where)

               2) Form

               3) Position


1.  Function


– an adverb modifies other verbs(verbs are in bold/adverbs are in italics)


·       The thief acts stupidly. (answers the question:how?)

·       The thief never shoots, because he has no gun.(answers the question: when?)

·       The thief robs locally. (answers the question:where?)


-an adverb modifies other adjectives (adjectives are in bold/adverbs are in italics)

·       The thief is extremely stupid.

·       This very dumb thief is now in jail.


-an adverb modifies other adverbs (adverbs in italics)

·       The thief walks incredibly clumsily.

·       The thief acts really stupidly.


Adverbs also have other functions.  You may see them modify a prepositional phrase :


·       The thief was arrested just outside the apartment.

You may find an adverb modifying an entire sentence:


·       Certainly,the thief chose the wrong profession.


2.  Form


               -Many adverbs are recognized by form.  Many are formed from adjectives by adding 'ly:

·       slowly,carefully, likely, eagerly


-But don't be fooled.  Not all words ending in 'ly' are adverbs:

·       friendly, ugly, homely

-Some adverbs are not easily recognized by form:

·       some, very,well, often, never


3.  Position


               -You will find adverbs occupying multiple positions within a sentence:

·       Now,get in the police car. (front)

·       The thief was immediately arrested. (before the verb)

·       The thief sat nervously after being arrested. (after the verb)

·       After the botched robbery, the thief decided to give up crime completely. (end)


Please identify the adverb(s) in each of the following sentences.

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1. The young student gladly followed the instructions of his teacher.

2. The lifeguard noticed that the little girl was almost in the water.

3. The ugly portrait had been frantically painted by a frantic student.

4. The very pale plant wasn't getting sunlight.

5. The basketball player rather easily scored the first three points of the game.

6. Ideally, the tourists will all make the choice to see Big Ben.

7. The teacher fulfilled her assignment admirably.

8. The young child hardly ever does what he is told.

9. Would you rather go to Scotland or to Ireland?

10. He fulfilled his assignment instinctively.

11. His younger sister sat at the hockey game, behind the glass, just off center ice.

12. The homely, little puppy quickly ate his doggy biscuit.

13. Although he failed his calculus test, he had really hoped for a better score.

14. The war hero is a never forgotten figure in the nation's history.

15. The younger of the two brothers patiently waited for the arrival of the bus.

16. Now, here's the rest of the story.

17. Rather few men qualified for acceptance, based on their poor eyesight.

18. The dancer always gets good marks in competition.

19. Choosing not to pay the high tuition of Harvard University, the student elected to study locally.

20. Adverbs are often misunderstood, while easily learned with minimal effort.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Adverbes et leurs fonctions - cours"
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