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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°84146 : Love Story de William et Kate - cours

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Love Story de William et Kate - cours

Page spéciale Mariage William et Kate

First of all was their engagement in November 2010.

Prince William is to marry long-term girlfriend Kate Middleton next year, Clarence House has announced.William, second in line to the throne, will marry in London next spring or summer and live in north Wales, where he is serving with the RAF.'We are both very, very happy,' the prince said. He had proposed on holiday in Kenya in October, giving his fiancee his mother's engagement ring.The royal engagement was announced in a brief statement released by Clarence House.It said: 'The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton.



Royal wedding: Prince William gives Kate Diana's ring.

Prince William has spoken of his and fiancee Kate Middleton's happiness, as the newly-engaged couple faced the cameras for the first time.




 The guest list and seating plan for Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton have been revealed.

Have you been invited? I haven't. What a shame!



Mark your calendars!

Prince William and Kate Middleton will wed on Friday, April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey.



 Here is that wonderful place:

Some more details concerning the wedding can be found here:


And then...on the balcony...

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1. Who is William? .

2. Which engagement ring did William give Kate?.

3. Where will they live after their wedding? -in .

4. Where did William propose to Kate? - in .

5. Is Kate younger than William? - .

6. Where is their wedding to be celebrated? - in .

7. What is Kate's engagement ring made of? .

8. Did William ask Kate's father for her hand before proposing to her? .

9. What does Queen Elisabeth think about their engagement? - She is .

10. Where did William and Kate first meet? .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Love Story de William et Kate - cours"
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