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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°8574 : Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Arnold Schwarzenegger


Focus on... Arnold Schwarzenegger

> Mr Universe:
Born July 30, 1947, in Graz, Austria. As a teenager, Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was so determined to become the greatest bodybuilder in history that he trained on Sundays until he collapsed from exhaustion. His dream was realized in 1967, when the 20-year-old Schwarzenegger won his first Mr. Universe contest.

> Move to the USA:
In 1968, Schwarzenegger moved to the United States, where he studied business and economics at the University of Wisconsin. Upon his graduation, he invested his contest earnings in various real estate projects and a bodybuilding equipment company.

> First movies:
'Arnold Strong' tried to become an actor. He began in 'Hercules in New York' (1970), the comedy 'Stay Hungry' (1976), the bodybuilding documentary 'Pumping Iron' (1977) and the TV biopic 'The Jane Mansfield Story' (1980).

> The superstar:
In the early 1980s, Schwarzenegger established himself as the leading figure in action films, beginning with 'Conan the Barbarian' (1982), its sequel 'Conan the Destroyer' (1984), 'The Terminator' (1984), 'Commando' (1985), 'Predator' (1987), 'The Running Man' (1987), and 'Total Recall' (1990).

> The businessman:
In 1991, Schwarzenegger partnered with fellow action stars Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone to open the Planet Hollywood chain of celebrity-themed restaurants. In 1993, Schwarzenegger was reportedly paid an unprecedented $15 million to star in 'Last Action Hero'. In 2003, he got $30 million to star in Terminator 3.

> The politician:
In 1990, Schwarzenegger was named chairman of President George Bush's Council on Physical Fitness. He supported sports programs for underprivileged children, including the Inner-City Games and the Special Olympics.
In 2003, he announced his candidacy for governor of California.

> His family:
At a tennis tournament, Schwarzenegger met television journalist Maria Shriver. The couple married in 1986. They have four children.

> Filmography:
Red Heat / Lock Up - 2003
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - 2003
Collateral Damage - Feb 8, 2002
The 6th Day - 2000
End of Days - 1999
Batman & Robin - 1997
Eraser - 1996
True Lies - 1994
Last Action Hero - 1993
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 1991
Total Recall - 1990
Twins - 1989
Red Heat - 1988
Predator - 1987
The Running Man - 1987
Commando - 1985
The Terminator - 1984
Stay Hungry - 1976
The Long Goodbye - 1973
Hercules in New York - 1970



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1. Birth name:

2. Date of Birth:

3. Place of Birth:

4. Occupation:

5. Education:

6. First contest won:

7. Name of his restaurants:

8. Salary for 'Terminator 3':

9. Wife:

10. Latest political move:

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Arnold Schwarzenegger"
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