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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°85819 : Légende du Mont-Saint-Michel

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Légende du Mont-Saint-Michel


The story of  Mont-Saint-Michel begins in the year 708 with a legend :

In the year 708, the town of Avranches, which is very close to the Mont, was ruled by a bishop named Aubert. One night, Aubert saw the Archangel Saint-Michel in a dream. The Archangel gave him the order to build a place of worship in his honour on the mount lost in shifting sand. Aubert did nothing about it, thinking his imagination had got the better of him. The Archangel grew impatient with him, and when he appeared the third time, he poked a hole in Aubert's skull to make him believe him. Aubert began to construct the sanctuary in the shape of a cave which could receive hundreds of pilgrims.

As time went by, the mount began to be known as Mont-Saint-Michel, and Aubert sent a few monks to live there and pray to God and his Archangel.


église : church

abbaye : abbey

monastère : monastery

chapelle : chapel

sanctuaire : sanctuary

oratoire : oratory

lieu de pèlerinage :  place of pilgrimage

lieu saint : shrine

un lieu de culte : a place of worship

prêtre : priest

moine : monk

évêque : bishop

cloître : cloister

réfectoire :  refectory

bâtiments militaires : military buildings

le moyen âge : the Middle Ages

l'éternité : eternity


Thirteen centuries of history transformed Mont-Saint-Michel into a marvel of the west.

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At the request of the Duke of Normandy, a community of Benedictine monks began living on the Mont in 966. The first ( )   [c...] was built before the millennium. An ( )   [a...] was founded in the eleventh century. A donation from the King of France helped assist with the construction of the Gothic Abbey called MARVEL. It included two three-storey buildings crowned by a ( )   [c...] and a ( )   [re...]. The Hundred Years' War made it necessary to protect the abbey with a great wall, ramparts, and ( )   [m...] buildings. At the same time as the development of the abbey, a village was being organized and prospered in the ( )   [Mi...]. (2 mots) At the time of the French Revolution, the ( )   [m...] were hunted and Mont-Saint-Michel became a prison until 1863. Mont-Saint-Michel was an important place of ( )   [pi...] in the medieval West. For more than a thousand years, men, women and children came in their thousands, at the peril of the sea and the ( )   [s...] sands to find the archangel Saint-Michel, the insurance of ( )   [e...].

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Légende du Mont-Saint-Michel"
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