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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°91860 : Verbe + postposition Over

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> Tests similaires : - Verbes prépositionnels et verbes à particules - To get - Verbes + up / down - Verbes à particules - Verbes et particules - Verbes à particule : Look - Prépositions et verbes à particules - Prépositions, postpositions : Alice in Wonderland
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Verbe + postposition Over

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1. When Michelle Kwan first performed her long program for the 1995-1996 season to the theme from Salome, everybody in the audience was over by her metamorphosis and her astonishing accomplishments from the last six months.

2. He was a perfect gentleman to me. He over backwards whenever I needed assistance and always did his best to please me.

3. An unused paid holiday can no longer be over to the next year in my company. There won't be any exceptions any more.

4. The moment she knew of the affair, her eyes over and showed no emotion. Perhaps the emotion was too much for her.

5. - How did the accident happen? - Well, I think the driver had poor visibility. That's why he over the pedestrian when he was leaving the parking lot.

6. You should have seen how happy she was when she unpacked her Christmas present. She over with utter joy and excitement.

7. We hadn't seen each other since we graduated, so I was delighted when he over to say hello.

8. After weeks of media hype, the scandal over soon after a successor to the President was announced.

9. My key wouldn't open the lock on the rear gate either, so I over the fence. I really had no choice.

10. I tried to calm her down but in vain. She over the insulting remark he made to her, and couldn't help thinking about it all day long.

11. He was so drunk that he over. So his friends helped him to his feet and took him back home.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Verbe + postposition Over"
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