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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°91967 : Araignée

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This leggy is Maria. Maria is a phobia counsellor. She helps people get over their of spiders. She works with reptile and spider expert Jay.

Well, this is Maria and Maria is a Chilean Rose and she's one of my creepy-crawly counsellors.

Fear of is called arachnophobia and over 1.8 million people in the UK suffer seriously from it. That's no fun for anyone.

A phobia can just put a restriction on somebody's life. It can stop them doing something. For example, they might not be able to go on holiday because they're they might bump into a big spider.

So that's where Maria will try and explain the nice things about spiders to try to get people over their fears and .

This eight-legged is very young to have such an important job.

She's about four years old now, but that's not that old. She could live till she's about .

Burt Maria is very for her age and her calm temperament makes her a natural counsellor.

What's good about Maria is that she's very, very spider. I always refer to them like the golden labrador of the tarantula world, really.

Maria puts her nature to good use, working hard all over the country letting people with arachnophobia hold her so they can see how lovely spiders can be.

We go on a lot of phobia , as I call them. And Maria is right to try to teach people that spiders aren't so bad.

For example, there are forty-thousand types of spider on the planet and only thirty of those are enough to kill a human. And none of those breeds is native to the UK. Maria herself is a Chilean Rose tarantula and comes from , in South America. And she's not the only employee who works for Jay.

Apart from Maria, I've got lots of other animals that I take out to deal with phobia, things like snakes, giant , scorpions.

That's right. Jay employs lots of animals from all over the world who come to the UK to help us our fears. Each of these creatures specializes in curing people of a particular fear, be it ophidiophobia, musophobia or entomophobia.

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