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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°94092 : Expressions - cours

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> Tests similaires : - Vocabulaire : dire bonjour - Adjectifs et prépositions - Vocabulaire : demander et répondre - Vocabulaire : au téléphone - Vocabulaire : au restaurant - Expressions courantes - There is-There are... left - Au sujet de Be et Have
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...

Expressions - cours

By dint of something

- as a result of something

- because of

By choice

- deliberately

- with intention

By heart

- knowing completely from memory

By and by

- after a short time

- soon

By force of habit

- to do something that has become a habit

By the book

- to do something exactly as the rules demand

- correctly

By hook or by crook

- by any method possible

- legal or illegal

By leaps and bounds

- when something improves or increases a lot

- very quickly

By chance

- when something happens without plan

- accidentally

By no means

- not at all

- when emphasizing a negative statement

By all means

- when giving permission

- surely

- of course

By the way

- in addition to

- to introduce a new subject that is considered

- to give further information

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1. I need a driving licence as fast as possible. I decided to pass the driving exam .

2. The population in the world has grown over the past few decades.

3. We met with them at the bus station in Kielce last Sunday.

4. It is certain that this summer will be warm.

5. - Would you go to the restaurant with us tomorrow? - . I'd love to go with you.

6. I'm going to the shop,, do you need anything?

7. his hard work, he got promoted to a manager last year.

8. Tom has been divorced three times. Now, he lives alone .

9. When I went to school, I used to learn poetry .

10. They will fly to Rome on their holiday .

11. I always drink strong black coffee , a few minutes after getting out of bed.

12. Jacob is a government official and he always does everything .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Expressions - cours"
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