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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°784 : Petite histoire du kilt

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Petite histoire du kilt

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Mode d'emploi : cliquez sur chaque lettre pour reconstituer le bon mot. Cliquez sur la boîte pour recommencer. Une aide dans la case grise.

1. The kilt, or philabeg to use its older Gaelic name, that has now become the ( )   [s...] dress

2. for all 'Highlanders', has its origin in an older ( )   [g...] called the belted plaid

3. and has long been the most recognisable ( )   [c...] tradition of the Highland Scots

4. and has, in fact, been ( )   [de...] in the nineteenth century, not by Scottish, Highlanders but by the Nobles of England and Scotland

5. There is much evidence that many of the more ( )   [re...] tartans seen today are in fact

6. creations of Scottish and English ( )   [t...] during the reign of Queen Victoria.

7. Despite this, it has generally been accepted that the basic concepts of the tartan and the ( )   [w...] of the kilt

8. do indeed have their origin in the history of early Scottish and Irish clans, or ( )   [f...].

9. After 1688, and the fall of the Stuart clan, the English government felt the need to take a more active ( )   [i...] in the Highland affairs.

10. In 1707, the Act of Union took place, and succeeded in temporarily uniting the ( )   [po...] factions

11. and clans that were universally opposed to the Act. The tartan came into it's own as a ( )   [s...] of active nationalism.

12. During the eighteen hundreds, the wearing of the belted plaid began to be ( )   [ex...] for that of the kilt.

13. The belted plaid, being a one-piece six-foot tall cloth, belted about the waist with the remainder being worn up about the ( )   [s...],

14. was proving to be somewhat inconvenient to wear. A 'new', little kilt ( )   [d...] became popular.

15. The plaid now became more of a ( )   [f...] experiment for the elite of English society.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Petite histoire du kilt"
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