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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°113526 : Adverbes de temps - cours

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Adverbes de temps - cours

 Les adverbes de temps 
Vous pouvez aussi consulter les leçons suivantes en cliquant sur le titre :Les adverbes de lieuLes adverbes de manièreLes adverbes de fréquence
Aujourd'hui, dans cette leçon, nous allons parler des adverbes de temps. D'une façon générale, ce type d'adverbe répond à la question "quand ?", et  il nous donne plus d'informations sur le déroulement d'une action dans le temps, que ce soit dans le passé, le présent ou bien dans le futur. Maintenant, nous allons jeter un coup d'œil aux exemples ci-dessous. Chaque phrase contient un adverbe de temps ; ils sont en rouge pour les identifier facilement.
 Le passé : Le présent :  Le futur :


When did Catherine travel to Sydney?


When are you going to do your homework?


When will they visit Central Park?

RéponseShe travelled/traveled to Sydney yesterday. I am going to do it now.  They will visit Central Park next week.
Attention  anglais britannique/anglais américain    
Les types d'adverbes de temps : en anglais, il existe  deux types d'adverbes de temps (les adverbes de temps précis  et les adverbes  de temps imprécis.)
A- Les adverbes de temps précis (définis) : nous utilisons ce type d'adverbes quand le moment du déroulement d'une action est  précis.
Adverbes :Exemples :

Friday- Vendredi (date)

The new baby boy  was born on Friday.

tomorrow-demainThe national football team will travel to Brazil tomorrow.                 
yesterday- hier
James bought a new computer yesterday.
today-aujourd'huiToday I will read a short story about ghosts.
last night-hier soir/la nuit passéeIt was very cold last night.
this morning-ce matinThis morning I visited the new museum.
last week-la semaine passéePaul and Adam visited Berlin last week.
B- Les adverbes de temps imprécis (indéfinis): nous utilisons ce type d'adverbes lorsque nous sommes dans l'incertitude du moment exact du déroulement d'une action (le moment est approximatif).
Adverbes :
Exemples :
I have recently sent him an invitation card.
   immediately- immédiatement
They were obliged to leave the country immediately.
lately-dernièrementI haven't sent him any message lately.
early-tôtChildren should return back home early.
nowadays-de nos jours
Learning a second language is becoming more common nowadays.
these days-ces jours-ciThese days Sarah and Liz  are very busy.
at last-enfinHis dream of  becoming a doctor was fulfilled at last.
someday-un jour (futur)
I would like to visit Chicago someday.
2E THEME : La position des adverbes de temps
1- Position finale :  généralement, les adverbes de temps sont placés à la fin d'une phrase.
Adverbes :Exemples :
soon-bientôtJames and Ann are going to get married soon.
now-maintenantI'm a little bit busy, I have to leave now.
last year- l'année passée              
Adam  bought a new car last year.
the day after tomorrow- après-demain  
President Barack Obama is going to visit China  the day after tomorrow.                
2-  Position médiane : quelques adverbes de temps peuvent être placés au  milieu d'une phrase.
still-encoreIt's almost midnight , but he is still revising his lessons.
now-maintenantOur children are now playing strategy games.
then-puisHe will then be the most important leader in the world.
later-plus tardThe little boy later started crying.
The child immediately fell asleep.
soon-bientôtHe will soon be the richest business man in the whole country.
already-déjàMy brother has already moved to another university.
3 - Position initiale: il est également possible de placer certains adverbes de temps au début d'une phrase.
last week-la semaine passée             
Last week, I watched three American war movies.
tomorrow-demainTomorrow, the music festival is going to take place at the Opera House.
the day before yesterday- avant-hier       
The day before yesterday, the new married couple  had to return back home.
yesterday-hierYesterday, my father went to the supermarket.
A- Adverbes de temps qui expriment le passé : nous utilisons les adverbes suivants pour parler d'un certain moment dans le passé : last week/month/year, yesterday, the day before/ yesterday, ago etc.
Adverbes :Exemples :
last week-la semaine passée
They celebrated their wedding anniversary last week.                      
yesterday-hierI had to call her the day before yesterday.
three years ago- il y a trois ans  
They visited Manhattan three years ago.
last night-hier soir/la nuit passéeLast night, the Prime Minister resigned.
B- Adverbes de temps qui expriment le présent : certains adverbes peuvent être utilisés pour exprimer un moment dans le présent.  now, yet, still
Adverbes :Exemples :
still- encore  
She is still waiting for him in the garden.
not yet- pas encore
I haven't finished my homework yet.
I want to turn my computer off and take a rest now
C- Adverbes de temps qui expriment le futur : les adverbes de temps suivants sont utilisés pour parler d'un certain moment dans le futur : tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year, later, soon etc.
Adverbes :Exemples :
next year-l'année prochaineNext year, my family will move to Australia.
the day after tomorrow-après-demain I will celebrate my birthday the day after tomorrow.  
tomorrow-demainThe victory ceremony will be held tomorrow.
soon-bientôtElizabeth will graduate from Boston University soon.
later-plus tardShe will buy the train ticket later.
Les adverbes de temps suivants peuvent être placés au début, au milieu ou à la fin d'une phrase : now, then, later
Position initiale :Position médiane :Position finale :
nowNow, it's the right moment to take some rest.It is now the right moment to take some rest.It is the right moment to take some rest now.
laterLater, he went to the airport.He later went to the airport.He went to the airport later.
thenThen, he moved slowly towards him.He then moved slowly towards him.He moved slowly towards him then.
Quelques proverbes contiennent des adverbes de temps.
One today is better than ten tomorrow. German proverbFor tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. African proverb.
Do it today! Tomorrow it might be forbidden. Finnish proverbSoon found soon lost. Kenyan proverb
Don't try to teach someone something they already know. Scottish proverb Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee proverb
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. American proverbTomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. Spanish proverb
If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today. African proverbToo much hurry, and get there tomorrow; take time, get there today. Jamaican proverb
Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. Chinese proverbSit on the bank of a river and wait: your enemy's corpse will soon float by. Indian proverb
Strong love is not soon forgotten. English proverbYou will soon find a stick, if you want to beat a dog . German proverb
One already wet does not feel the rain. Turkish proverbIt is useless to hurry, once the water has already gone by. Basque proverb
"Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Timothy FerrissYesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. Unknown

Exercice : Complétez les phrases ci-dessous en choisissant le bon adverbe de temps. 


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 The fishermen  are going to buy a new fishing boat .                                

We are too late! Our school bus has   left.                                    


I haven't seen Mr. Charles . Is he sick?                                          


The Revenant is an excellent movie, but I haven't seen it .                                  


, Sally and her sister are going to visit their  uncle James.                                              

  I woke up, I went directly to the kitchen.                                                       

My father   realized that he was driving up the wrong way.                              

I visited 'the Sahara', it was a wonderful trip.                              

Jenifer and  Liza are revising their grammar lessons right

The national football team stood at attention, all the players sang the national anthem.     

"For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.”
Sanskrit Proverb

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