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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°11449 : Reflexive pronouns

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Reflexive pronouns

mettez himself/herself/itself/themselves/ourselves/


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1. Once there was a young man who called Icarus.

2. His father always wanted his children to look after and do what they wanted.

3. The trouble was that Icarus always wanted to put into danger.

4. His father said again and again if we don't take care, we'd hurt .

5. Icarus shocked his father with an idea that he was going to try out on .

6. He had watched birds fly by throwing into the air.

7. His sister said she would like to push into the air and fly but she was too frightened.

8. Icarus said he would try and he promised his father: I will not injure .

9. The last words his father said before Icarus left were: Look after .

10. Unfortunately Icarus went too near the sun and the wax on his wings melted and the feathers worked free and he fell on the ground and died.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Reflexive pronouns"
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