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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117042 : Hate, Like, Love ou Prefer - cours

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> Tests similaires : - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Donner son opinion - Dire ce qu'on aime faire - Prefer-Rather = préférence - Espoir et souhait - Although / in spite of / despite - Adverbes : Still, yet et already
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Hate, Like, Love ou Prefer - cours

Hate, like, love and prefer



Hate, like, love and prefer can be used with an -ing form or with a to infinitive.

-I hate to see pets in the kitchen.

-I love going to the races.

-I prefer not to wear my good shoes when training.

In American English, the forms with to infinitive are much more common than the -ing form

There is a very small difference in meaning between the two forms. The -ing form emphasises the action or experience.

The to infinitive gives more emphasis to the results of the action or event.

The -ing form is often used to suggest enjoyment (or lack of it), and the to infinitive form to express habits or preferences.

Let's compare:

Emphasis on the experience/action.

-I like framing pictures.

-She likes playing cards.

-They don't like going out to eat.

Habit or preference.

-I like to make jam every year.

-I prefer to have bread and coffee for breakfast.

-If you prefer not to go by car, we can go by bus.

The -ing form is more common than the to infinitive form after hate and love.

-I hate painting, I'd rather pay a painter to do it.

Would + hate, like, love, prefer.

When would or "d" is used with hate, like, love, prefer, the to infinitive and not the -ing form is used.

-They would love to hear you play the piano. Not: They would love hearing you play ...

-I'd hate to make you sad. Not: I'd hate making you sad.

-I'd prefer to deal with the situation. Not: I'd prefer dealing ....

Hope this helps.




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1. Our house is theirs except for the interior decorations.

2. The they have for each other is something to behold.

3. I to catch the train to work instead of driving.

4. She didn't recall what it was, that made him and leave her.

5. I made romantic plans of and happiness with her.

6. On our trip we will visit cities that we , such as Venice and Barcelona.

7. As a rule they not to stay at home at weekends.

8. If you Star Wars, you should watch the latest episode.

9. He was not petted and spoiled many of us.

10. I'd to think we spent that awful morning with no results.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Hate, Like, Love ou Prefer - cours"
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