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> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Articles | Confusions [Autres thèmes] |
> Tests similaires : - Cours / Leçons d'anglais pour débutants: A/AN - Articles : a/an (cours) - Articles THE/ A / AN / zéro : leçon / cours de grammaire anglaise - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Omettre THE : 'Quand ne faut-il pas mettre THE?' - Noms dénombrables avec a/an/some - Although / in spite of / despite | |
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction... |
The / no article
Use the definite article, the:
(1) with singular or plural nouns, when you expect the person who is listening to know which person or thing you are talking about.Examples:
>> Thank you for the flowers (= the ones that you brought me).
>> This is the CD I told you about.
(2) with the names of oceans, rivers, mountains or when there is only one kind of something.Examples:
>> The sun is hot today.
>> He was the first person to row across the Atlantic.
(3) when talking about playing musical instruments.Example:
>> I've been learning the piano for four years.
Use no article:
(1) with countable or uncountable nouns, when you are talking in general.Examples:
>> Honey is sweet. (all honey)
>> Were you a cheerleader in high school? (any high school)
(2) with names of countries, states, streets, towns or lakes.Examples:
>> I'm going to Turkey.
>> Toronto is on Lake Ontario.
(3) with a person's title when the name is mentioned.Examples:
>> Queen Elizabeth
>> Doctor Jones
You're good to go!
Complete the sentences with the or nothing: X

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Tous les exercices | Plus de cours et d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Articles | Confusions