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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°118199 : Gérondif ou Infinitif

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | -ing | Infinitif [Autres thèmes]
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Gérondif ou Infinitif

Gerund or Infinitive?

Some English verbs can be followed either by the gerund or the infinitive or by both, often changing their meaning .

WHILE begin, start, finish and a few others can be usually followed by both without difference in meaning, mean, stop, try, forget, remember, regret, go on, change their meaning.

➡️ "mean" is followed by an infinitive when it expresses an intention.

She meant to write her memories ( she had the intention to ..)

BUT, it is followed by a gerund when it refers to something that has to be done to achieve a result.

Taking a C1 level means having to study very hard.


➡️ "stop" is followed by an infinitive when you stop in order to do something else.

BUT it is followed by a gerund when you interrupt an activity and don't do it any longer.

She stopped smoking because her GP told her to.


➡️ "try" is followed by an infinitive when you attempt to do something. When you try to do something, you make an effort to do it.

When you try to do something, you may succeed, or you may fail.

The climbers tried to reach the summit before the end of the day.

BUT it is followed by a gerund when you make an experiment or attempt something unusual. When you try doing something, you do it with the intention of finding out what will happen when you do it.

Have you ever tried cooking pasta in wine ?


➡️ "forget" is followed by an infinitive when you have not performed an action.

I forgot to wish my parents a happy anniversary.

BUT it is followed by a gerund when you have performed the action but forgotten about it.

I forgot introducing myself before and introduced myself again.


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1. I forgot (to let) the cat in and the poor thing miaowed all night.

2. On his way home, he stopped (to buy) a present for his wife.

3. Sorry, I didn't mean (to hurt) your feelings with such words.

4. Do you remember (to meet) the Queen when she was visiting our university ?

5. Stop (to talk) nonsense.

6. She meant (to attend) an English Uni Course to improve her knowledge of the language.

7. Don't forget (to switch off) the lights before leaving home.

8. On his way home, Bill forgot (to refuel) and his car ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere.

9. I don't remember (to let) my friends know about my health.

10. Reaching London in one day from Inverness means (to drive) for several hours.

11. I'll never forget (to meet) Marlon Brando in Los Angeles.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Gérondif ou Infinitif"
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