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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°121153 : To be au présent

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To be au présent

Today we will learn about the verb to be:

To be is very easy to conjugate in the present. There are only three options : Is/Am/Are

To be is a verb that is used with the following pronouns: I, You, He, She, It, We, They.

Here are the conjugated forms of to be : 


You are

He is

She is

It is

We are

They are

There is a catch though, the pronouns we and they can be switched out with another word or another group of words.

For example:

We are both drinking apple juice.

My friends and I are drinking apple juice. (We is replaced by my friends and I)

They are watching a horror show.

Mary and George are watching a horror show. (They is replaced by Mary and George)

Good luck


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1. They going to the cinema across the street to watch ''Aliens and Martians 3''.

2. The fire destroying our homes and killing the inhabitants.

3. We curious to know where you came from and why you left.

4. I the worst player in my soccer team, but somehow I scored three points last game.

5. Susie and Robert searching for carpeting jobs near their houses.

6. I finished the puzzle in thirty minutes, it took you three hours and you still not done.

7. They live nearby, but they occupied at the moment and can't visit us.

8. She embarrassing herself even more by putting on that dress.

9. If they ever found out, I going to need help to get out of this mess.

10. My friend and I eating at that new Chinese restaurant near Dave's house.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "To be au présent"
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