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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°124136 : Because - because of

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Because - because of

Remember :


Because is used to give the reason of something. It's a conjunction.

because +  sentence + (subject + verb).


Example: Sarah is in bed because she has got a terrible cold.

              The boys stayed at home because they had to study.


Because of is also used to give reason of something. It's a preposition.


 because of + verb + ing or a noun.


Example: The child can't go school because of his cold.


Fill in the blank with "because" or "because of" to complete the sentences.Good luck ! 

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1. I couldn't go to school two days ago the terrible flu I had.

2. the weather is warm and sunny, the children are planning to go for a picnic.

3. Some students don't want to answer the questions during class they are afraid of making mistakes.

4. the water shortage in the dams this year there will be frequent water cuts in this region.

5. We have nowhere to sit and rest there aren't any benches in the school garden.

6. the wet and muddy ground, the football players had difficulty playing the match.

7. She wanted to go shopping last week she needed a new laptop.

8. My mom lost her job her long illness.

9. Sof and her parents want to visit the city zoo they want to see the baby panda.

10. It's difficult to breathe in this industrial area the smoke coming from the factories.

11. Sonia has to wear a wig her baldness.

12. We would like to go to the cinema on Saturday there is a nice animation for kids.

13. More and more people get to work late every day the heavy traffic in the city centre.

14. My teacher was angry with Tom he always arrives late.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Because - because of"
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