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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°129422 : Sports et idiomes

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Sports et idiomes

Below is a list of 15 idioms with their meanings. Use them to complete the exercise below.




        IDIOMS                              MEANING

 Jump to conclusions ...Presume something too quickly.

 Be right on target ...Happen at the foreseen time  or to be exact.

 The ball is in your court ...It's up to you to do something.

 Kick the bucket ... (To) die.

"Break a leg !" ... Say this to wish good luck to an actress.

 Throw in the towel ...Admit defeat / Give up.

 Have the upper hand ...In a better/stronger position.

 Par for the course ...Be normal / as expected.

 A long shot ...Not very probable.

 Hit (someone) below the belt ...Treat someone in a nasty unfair way.

 Go back to square one ...Start again from the beginning.

Give it your best shot ...Do your best.

Quick on the draw ...Quick to react.

Drop the ball ...Make a blunder/mistake.

Jump for joy ...Show your happiness.




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1. We will if we win the trophy.

2. I know you're shy about speaking in public. Just. You'll be fine once you've started.

3. He is very ill. He might while the surgeon is operating on him.

4. She's bad at languages and she hasn't studied.It's that she 'll get good marks in her test.

5. To put that ugly photo of him on Facebook is to .You know he's sensitive about his image.

6. The stage director said, as the actor was going on stage.

7. I've spent hours trying to book a flight online. It's pointless. I've decided to .

8. He's got by far the best car of all the participants. And he's very experienced. He will in this race.

9. You are doing this maths problem wrongly. You'd better if you want to find the solution.

10. You've forgotten her birthday again.If you want to be forgiven you should do something about it, .

11. We have to finish the job on time.We have to .

12. Oh dear ! I didn't mean to by telling him I saw his ex with a new boyfriend.

13. I was dumbstruck when he insulted me, but my husband was and I immediately asked him to apologise.

14. What on earth gives you the impression I'm angry with you? I'm not. You always .

15. He's by far the best salesman. It was that he got an end-of-year bonus.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Sports et idiomes"
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